Limits of author’s rights – an interview in Gazeta
Can an “architectural concept of a building complex” and its parts, such as an arbour or a summer house, be protected under the intellectual property law? The category of works under the copyrights law includes, among other things, architectural works, architecture and urban planning works, and urban planning works. However, there are limits to the rights of an author or of an entity which holds author’s rights in such works. When interviewed by Tomasz Jurczak (Planning to put up a summer house in your garden? Ask developer or pay penalty.) in Gazeta Prawna online on 31 December 2014, Dr Nestoruk referred to the issue of certain provisions in agreements with buyers of property which forms part of an author’s architectural and planning concept. See in PUBLICATIONS: Stawiasz altanę w ogrodzie? Spytaj dewelopera o zgodę lub zapłacisz karę.